Circularity. It is a key pillar of a sustainability strategy. By fostering the circular economy, you can, as a company, prepare for the challenges of the scarcity of raw materials and optimise your use of them. With a focused approach, you don’t just have ambition, you turn that into concrete action that delivers results. And that is what making an impact is all about.
The current economy is ‘linear’, based on a ‘take-make-use-dispose’ model: we all extract raw materials from the earth to make products and then throw them away after use. Demand for raw materials is also increasing, and as a result, supplies of raw material are becoming depleted and scarce. The problem is obvious: this linear economy is unsustainable – we are running on empty. This is already happening in today’s generation, but the needs of future generations are all the more at stake. And those of the earth. Global developments are therefore forcing us to think more deeply: how we source raw materials and where from? How do we use them? And how can we reuse them in the future?
Something has to be done, and this is what it is: a transition to a circular economy, where we extend the life cycle of raw materials, materials and products. The Dutch government has also embraced this transition and has set out an ambitious vision with clear targets:
In order to achieve this, major steps have to be taken. Although the Netherlands is currently considered to be a world leader (great!), the current national use of raw materials is 24.5% circular. And that is still not enough. The percentage needs to increase considerably, and cooperation in the chain is essential to achieve this. So that companies can find a common voice together with their suppliers. The biggest opportunities are in agriculture, construction, manufacturing and energy, and the European Union is ratcheting up the pressure to take action. From legislation on packaging to strategic agendas on critical raw materials that dominate the world news every day.
Working towards circular business practices as a company will help you achieve the climate targets. We often see that there is no lack of ambition – but delivering on it raises questions. How do you go about it? Where should you start? How do you get stakeholders on board? And then there are the challenges that come with that. We provide support to companies and organisations. Together, we develop a circularity strategy.
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Urgent topic that deserves the attention of every company. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, you contribute to combating climate change.
A key pillar of an efficient sustainability strategy. By fostering the circular economy, you can optimise your company’s use of raw materials.
Of paramount importance for a sustainable future. By protecting biodiversity, your business can contribute to a healthy and resilient ecosystem.