
Due Diligence | CSDDD


About the client

Enexis is a Dutch grid operator that supplies northern, eastern and southern Dutch homes and businesses with energy and gas. By working on and building stable and reliable grids, Enexis plays a crucial role in the energy transition. 

About the project

From 2027, Enexis must meet the requirements of the e Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Enexis asked 2BHonest to map out the requirements and work with them to develop an action plan.  


The first step was to identify the biggest risks in relation to human rights, labour rights and the environment within the value chain of cables, gas pipes, transformers and contractors. Through a combination of desk research and meetings with stakeholders, we conducted a risk scan that looked at severity and likelihood.   

Then, based on the influence that Enexis can exert in the chain, we explored what mitigating measures could be taken to reduce the impact. Lastly, we translated this into a concrete action plan that Enexis can immediately put to work to safeguard due diligence within the organisation.  


Thanks to this approach, Enexis now has a clear insight into the biggest risks within their value chain and a concrete action plan to comply with the requirements of the CSDDD. This enables them to take targeted steps towards responsible and sustainable business practices. 

2BHonest weet complexe materie duidelijk uit te leggen en in goede samenwerking met verschillende stakeholders in de praktijk toepasbaar te maken. Samen zijn we tot een concreet actieplan gekomen waarin de uitwerking van wet- en regelgeving in duidelijke stappen is vastgelegd. We kijken terug op een prettige en geslaagde samenwerking.

Judith Linssen
Directeur Inkoop Enexis Groep

Impact makers

Lydia 1 2BHonest

Lydia Boonstra
Senior Consultant

Nikki 1 2BHonest

Nikki Laarakker

From ambition to acton

Are you ready to develop a bold sustainability strategy that is a perfect fit for your company or organisation? Our services help you move from ambition to action. A team of experts is on hand to help you.