
Climate change, circularity and biodiversity. Water, soil and air pollution. Deforestation. These are the biggest challenges of our time. Challenges that have an impact on people, the environment and society. But also challenges that raise complex issues for business operations.

Environment: foundation for a sustainable future

The ESG topic Environment is no longer an afterthought, but a core concept that forms the foundation for a transition in enterprise. A bold sustainability strategy is essential. In order to comply with legislation and regulations, to clarify responsibilities, as well as to reconcile business acumen with sustainable impact. Grounded in theory, of course, and driven by a moral compass, but also by business rationale and common sense. After all, business is business.

Compliance with legislation and regulations

Due to (new) regulations introduced under the EU Green Deal, the Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD), the EU Taxonomy, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), and the Deforestation Act (EUDR), the environment is being integrated into ESG business strategies. But these particular legislation and regulations, they can be complex too. What exactly do they entail? What is expected of you? And what does it mean in practice? We help companies to clarify all of this. By simplifying the issues and setting concrete goals, as part of a practical action plan. We analyse the impact that a company currently has. For starters, we do a double materiality analysis. Or we calculate the carbon footprint as a baseline measurement. Then we get to work with targeted steps. From ambition to action!

Clarify responsibilities

Customers, employees and investors are increasingly concerned about a company’s environmental performance. Transparency is key. New legislation and regulations are also stipulate reporting requirements. For companies, this means disclosure about their business practices. Transparency about how and with whom you do business (value chain). What you can and cannot be held accountable for. And what you are doing to make things better in the chain or to limit negative impacts. But transparency is also about what you are not (yet) doing. Because let’s face it: you can’t solve everything at once. Or on your own.

And you don’t have to. Some matters are beyond your remit. Or necessitate a joint programme with business peers. In other cases, you weigh up the pros and cons from a business perspective: how much impact does one change have compared to another? Which initiative are you going for right now? Which instruments will you need? We always say: make a choice and opt for the strategy that is right for you, one that is realistic and achievable. A bold sustainability strategy not only helps the environment this way, but also optimises your own business model and processes. A win-win if you ask us.

Reconcile business acumen with sustainable impact

What impact does your business have on the environment? What steps have you taken and what do you want to achieve in terms of sustainability? As a business, there are several ways you can increase your positive impact on the environment; or reduce any negative impact. For example, by switching to renewable energy. Or by focusing on energy conservation. You can also work on recycling, reusing and reducing waste streams. Or put your efforts into protecting biodiversity.

Environment: one issue, three topics

2BH - klimaat - kolom


Urgent topic that deserves the attention of every company. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, you contribute to combating climate change.

Circulariteit - kolom


A key pillar of an efficient sustainability strategy. By fostering the circular economy, you can optimise your company’s use of raw materials.


Biodiversity & water

Of paramount importance for a sustainable future. By protecting biodiversity, your business can contribute to a healthy and resilient ecosystem.

From ambition to action!

Are you all set to develop a bold sustainability strategy that is a perfect fit for your business or organisation? Our services help you move from ambition to action. A team of experts is on hand to help you.


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