Climate | Sustainability | Strategy development

AVROTROS scaled 2BHonest
(C) Elvin Boer

About the commissioning party

AVROTROS is a Dutch public broadcaster that produces and broadcasts television and radio programmes. Its aim is to make culture accessible to the whole of the Netherlands, young and old alike. 

About the project

As a public organisation, AVROTROS wants to treat the world in which we live in a responsible manner. This includes being aware of our impact on the environment and taking appropriate action. AVROTROS asked 2BHonest to come up with aclimate strategy which included drawing up a carbon footprint and helping to prepare a reduction plan with targets and actions.  


We started by preparing a carbon footprint for AVROTROS, identifying all relevant emission sources. We then documented the steps taken in a reporting manual, which gave AVROTROS a clear guide for future reporting. 

We then identified the main opportunities for making reductions and set reduction targets based on the actions to be taken. These reduction targetsaim to significantly reduce the company’s environmental impact by 2030. 


Through this project, AVROTROS has gained insight into the organisation’s environmental impact and the knowledge to repeat the process each year. We have set reduction targets for the period leading up to 2030, with a plan to achieve these targets in order to minimise its environmental impact.  

“2BHonest heeft ons op een pragmatische manier ondersteund tijdens dit project. Hierbij zijn wij goed meegenomen in zowel het proces als de materie en hebben we zo, gezamenlijk, de gewenste eindresultaten weten te behalen. Daarnaast heeft het projectteam van 2BHonest ons op alle momenten geholpen met openstaande vragen.”

Frank Decker
Manager Gebouwenbeheer Duurzaamheid bij AVROTROS

Impact maker

Maarten 1 2BHonest

Maarten Andriessen
Senior consultant

From aspiration to action

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