Techniek Nederland

CSRD | Reporting | Implementation

Techniek Nederland 2 scaled 2BHonest

About the commissioning party

Techniek Nederland is the trade association of the engineering sector, representing more than 6,300 companies and self-employed people in the installation sector and technical retail. As one of the largest employers’ organisations in the Netherlands, Techniek Nederland has a crucial role to play in the sector.    

About the project

With the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), many members of Techniek Nederland are required to disclose annual sustainability information and performance transparently in their annual reports. As a sector association, Techniek Nederland plays an important role in promoting the exchange of knowledge and the implementation of the CSRD within the installation sector. We have contributed to this CSRD support for the installation sector.


In order to support CSRD members in their reporting, we carried out a double materiality analysis together with Techniek Nederland and a working group of members. This analysis included working sessions and a stakeholder dialogue with key stakeholders in the sector, such as manufacturers, banks, wholesalers, installers and accountants. The aim was to gain insight into material sustainability themes, data collection and related challenges and opportunities.


We incorporated the results in a concluding report and templates for the double materiality analysis of the members. We also developed a range of general CSRD materials including a webinar, a roadmap and an FAQ on the Techniek Nederland website.  

“Door als branchevereniging het voortouw te nemen rondom CSRD bundelen we onze krachten en zorgen we voor kennisdeling en samenwerking tussen onze leden. 2BHonest heeft ons hierbij uitstekend begeleid door de leden echt aan de hand te nemen met de eerste stappen voor hun rapportage.

Laurens de Vrijer
Hoofd Werkgever- en Ondernemerschap

Impact makers

Lydia 1 2BHonest

Lydia Boonstra
Senior consultant

Louise 1 2BHonest

Louise Terpstra
Senior consultant

From aspiration to action

Are you ready to get to work on creating an effective sustainability strategy that suits your company or organisation? Our services take you from aspiration to action. A team of experts is on hand to help you.